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Covid 19 Ready

Covid 19 Ready

In this ambiguous situation of novel coronavirus crisis, plenty of things are on hold around the world, but your health shouldn’t be one of them. But our clinic DENTAL CARE PROFESSIONALS is prepared to keep you and your family innocuous and healthy even during this outbreak.

DENTAL CARE PROFESSIONALS is delighted to welcome our existing patients and new ones for necessary surgeries, dental procedures and routine clinic visits. Extra safety measures have been executed to protect you and our staff.


Following are the safeguards taken by us for your safety during this coronavirus crisis.

Screening Test:

It is mandatory procedure carried in our clinic. Upon arrival everyday all staffs, patients and visitors are screened for COVID-19 symptoms. If anyone have respiratory illness or COVID -19 symptoms they will be kept in single-patient room with the door kept closed.


Every individual, staff, or patient will be sanitized every time they enter and exit from our clinic. After every possible contact with respiratory secretions and contaminated materials our staff will perform a consistent hand hygiene to prevent further contamination.

Hygiene Instructions for Staff:

Our dentists and staff will be wearing Personal Protective Equipment following the PHE guidelines: masks, disposable blouse/apron and gloves as considered appropriate. If they need to use public transport to come to practice, they will wear a face covering. Every day at high temperatures clinic uniforms will be cleaned.

Guidelines Upon Patient Arrival:

Patient should wear a mask for their protection. Social distancing in the waiting area is mandatory.

Waiting Room Disinfection:

Everyday house-keeping cleaning with hospital-grade cleaners and disinfectants will be performed at regular intervals Also, our waiting areas, corridors and common areas are sprayed with sanitizer every end of the day. This is an additional step taken by us to get rid of any viruses and germs that may have endured on surfaces and airborne during the day.

In Between Patients:

Treatment rooms are disinfected with hospital grade cleaners. Individual patient -based disposable items are used. Appropriate waste disposal guidelines are followed in our clinic. With regular intervals surfaces on the door handles, desks, evaluators and bathrooms are cleaned and disinfected properly.

Safety clinic! Safest treatment!!

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