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Tooth In A Hour

Tooth In A Hour

Is it really possible???
Like instant noodles there is a possibility of instant implants for patients with healthy jaw bone. With Teeth-in-an-hour it is now possible to have dental implants and new, fully functioning teeth in the same appointment. It is a revolutionary, cutting-edge solution to the long gaps and painful side effects of traditional teeth replacement. We dental care professionals will give you complete dental implants or teeth replacements in about an hour.

It is a radical technology that allows for the teeth to be made even before the surgery is done. The actual implant procedure may happen in just one day, but the groundwork our dentists undergo earlier takes much more time.


The procedure was formulated by Nobel BioCare. The procedure encompasses taking a CAT Scan of the jaw and sending it to the Nobel BioCare lab for fabrication of surgical stent and teeth. Within 2 – 4 weeks the stent is obtained. The surgery is then done and teeth are replaced on the implant in 1 hour.

  • Initial dental evaluation and x-rays are taken to check if the patient is suitable for Teeth-in-an-Hour implants.
  • CT scans are taken to provide high precision data for dental planning.
  • A temporary denture is made after the extraction of teeth
  • A Computer based planning of the implant surgery is made on a 3-dimensional virtual model of the jaw.
  • Data files with the surgical plan are sent to the laboratory.
  • We will prepare Surgical guide and final or temporary prosthetics and sent this back to lab again. On the day of your appointment, all dental implants are placed without opening the gum tissue, following the guide.
  • We will install the implants surgically. with excellent accuracy the implants are placed with the aid of the surgical guide.
  • Sutures are not required and no discomfort.
  • Prosthesis, either temporary or final, is fitted immediately after implant placement. It only takes about an hour!!!! You’ll even be able to eat the same day!!!!
  • Flapless
  • Flapless
  • Quick (implants are placed within an hour)
  • No bone grafting required
  • Virtually painless
  • Involves fewer dental visits to complete treatment.
  • Esthetically pleasing
  • Incision free procedure – no sutures required.
  • Minimal discomfort and swelling
  • Snug fit and immediately functioning teeth
  • Tooth look and feel natural
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