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Pediatric Dentistry

Pediatric Dentistry

Oral care in children from birth through adolescence is most vital. We at Dental Care Professionals encompass all aspects of oral health care for developing children and also offer specialized dental treatment for sick and disabled children. Children should visit the dentist twice a year. The first visit should be scheduled within six months of your infant’s first tooth eruption.

Visit our dentist every six months for a dental exam and teeth cleaning. These exams help reduce the chance of disease by keeping the mouth and teeth healthy throughout life.

Conditions that affect children

Common oral conditions that affect children include:

  • Dental caries
  • Gum diseases
  • Dental erosion
  • Tooth development interruptions and other abnormalities, such as a cleft lip and palate.
  • Physical damage to the face caused by traumatic injuries, such as car accidents.
  • Early orthodontic treatment to correct severe bite issues in children before all of their permanent teeth erupts.
Early childhood caries:

Cavities are the most common dental condition that affects children of all ages. Despite the fact that milk teeth are eventually shed to be replaced by permanent teeth, it is still important that these teeth are well maintained. Children tend to be more susceptible to dental plaque and tooth decay because they are more likely to eat sugary, sticky foods and not maintain their dental hygiene as well as older people might. Cavities can expose the inner dental pulp to bacteria and cause toothaches. Preventive dental treatments for children include sealants and fluoride. Both of these treatments help prevent cavity formation.

  • TOOTH SEALANTS: If a child has deep pits and grooves in their primary teeth, a sealant might be placed to prevent tooth decay. However, sealants are usually not placed on permanent teeth because they aren’t strong enough.
  • FLUORIDE TREATMENT: Proper dental care practices include fluoride use, brushing twice a day, and flossing once a day.
Forms of fluoride available:
  • Dietary Fluoride Supplements:
    This type of fluoride treatment comes in a tablet form. It is only recommended for children who consume drinking water that is low in fluoride or those who have a high risk of developing cavities.
  • Topical fluoride therapy:It is best for children between 3 and 6 years of age. This type of fluoride comes in two different forms, namely:
    • Self-applied fluoride toothpaste
    • Professionally applied treatments such as gels, pastes, and varnishes.

Topical fluoride treatments are applied during professional teeth cleanings and help prevent cavities.

Dental Erosion:

Dental erosion is the irreversible loss of tooth enamel. It is caused by excessive exposure to acidic liquids and food. Baby teeth are more prone to erosion than permanent teeth. This is because the primary teeth enamel is thinner and less mineralized. The prevalence of dental erosion in children ranges from 10 to 80 percent. In most cases, treatment isn’t needed. Our dentist may recommend changes in lifestyle, behavior, and diet. If the condition becomes severe, fillings are typically necessary.


Gingivitis is characterized by inflammation occurring in the gingival tissues with no loss of bone or attachment. It appears less in the early primary dentition. This is because children have less plaque buildup than adults. For children with gingivitis, our dentist will recommend professional dental care treatment, brushing, and flossing. If gingivitis is left untreated, it can turn into pediatric periodontitis, which is a serious oral disease affecting the gums and jaw bone. Common symptoms of periodontal disease include red, receding, and bleeding gums. This condition is mostly diagnosed in teenagers and adults. Treatment options for periodontitis include scaling and root planing.

Oral Habits:

The oral habits a child develops in the first three years of life (when baby teeth have fully erupted) may not be concerning to parents at the time. But these habits can be difficult to break, even though the majority of children outgrow them over time.

Teething Problems:

It is necessary to consult a dentist if teething is delayed in an infant. The development of the teeth and jaws needs to be appropriate to allow the infant to be suitably weaned onto solid foods. Good and timely teeth eruption is also important in the development of appropriate speech.


It occurs when the teeth of the upper and lower jaws do not meet when the jaws are closed together. This can create problems with eating or speaking. It may pain on biting or injuries to the insides of the mouth, gums and tongue. Using braces malocclusion can be corrected.

Restorative Pediatric Dental Treatments

Restorative pediatric dental treatments include:

  • Cavity Fillings: Cavity fillings are the most common restorative treatment for children who have minor cavities. They are also minimally invasive and completed within one dental visit.
  • Pediatric Pulp Therapy: Pulp treatment is known as a baby root canal or pediatric pulp therapy. This treatment is used by our dentists to treat, save, and restore a child’s decayed baby (primary) teeth.
  • Stainless Steel Crowns (SSCS): Stainless steel crowns are used to protect a child’s molars that haven’t formed properly or are heavily decayed.
  • Tooth Extractions And Space Maintainers: Tooth extractions is usually caused by trauma, disease, crowding, or tooth decay. Space maintainers are then placed in the extraction socket area to ensure the child’s permanent tooth grows correctly.

Regular dental health checkups along with the maintenance of good oral hygiene through daily brushing and flossing of the teeth help children to maintain a healthy set of teeth for life. Visit our dentists for a more comfortable and preventive dental treatment for your child.

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