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“Ignore your tooth, they will go away”

We at DENTAL CARE PROFESSIONALS will do everything possible to save a tooth. No one wants to pull their tooth off, but in some instances, tooth extraction will be the only option to save your oral health.

Tooth extraction:

It’s a procedure done to remove the ill damaged or infected teeth from your mouth that can’t be saved by dental procedures. Removing the tooth removes the decay and infection, precluding the spread of infection and inflammation to other areas of the mouth and body.

During this procedure by administering an exotic anesthetic, the tooth root along with the crown is removed without any pain

When is extraction indicated?
  • Grossly decayed tooth
  • Irreparable tooth damage
  • Severe periodontal disease
  • Loosening of teeth
  • During orthodontic treatment (overcrowding)
  • Trauma to the tooth
  • Impacted tooth
  • Tooth associated with cysts and tumors

Tooth extraction can be done in two ways:

  • Simple extraction
  • Surgical extraction
Simple extraction:

In this, a tooth that is visible in the mouth is extracted. First, an elevator is used to loosen the tooth, and then forceps are used to remove the tooth.

Surgical extraction:

It is done when the tooth has not erupted in the mouth(impacted) or if it broke at the gum line. We dentists will make a small incision into the gum to remove the impacted wisdom tooth or broken tooth.

Before extraction:

Let us know your complete history before going for extraction. You should inform about your previous medical history to our dentist. It includes

  • history of bacterial endocarditis
  • congenital heart diseases
  • impaired immune system
  • diabetes mellitus
  • liver disease (cirrhosis)
  • artificial joint, such as hip replacement
  • damaged or man-made heart valves
Extraction – a painful procedure????

No…not at all…… A local anesthetic will be administered to the patient (you) before extraction. This makes you feel relaxed and comfortable during the procedure. You can only feel the tooth popping out from the alveolar bone without any pain.

After tooth extraction – what happens???

A blood clot will be formed at the extraction site, which promotes healing of the socket. If this clot dislodges or breaks, it can expose the gum causing a dry socket & affects healing associated with bad breath and pain. You can feel slight discomfort after anesthesia weans off.

Sometimes you may have swelling & residual bleeding 24 hours after the extraction. This will clear up on its own. In case if it doesn’t stop for hours after the procedure immediately call our dentist for further follow-up.

Most simple extractions heal within 7-10 days. The initial healing period usually takes about one to two weeks. New bone & gum tissues will grow into the socket.

Post extraction care:

It is vital as it can provide you relief from extreme pain, protects the extraction site, helps to promote clotting, and helps to heal properly.

  • Gently but firmly bite on the gauze pad that we place on your mouth to let a clot form in the tooth socket.
  • Leave the initial gauze pad in place until about one hour after the procedure.
  • Take your medications as prescribed.
  • Take a rest for 24 hours and limit your activity for the next couple of days.
  • Have a soft bland diet after extraction. Taking soft and liquid foods allows your extraction site to heal.
  • Prop your head with a pillow when lying down.
  • Salt water gargling after 24 hrs.
  • Apply an ice pack on the outside of the mouth for 15-20 minutes.
  • Avoid blowing the nose or sneezing
  • Stay away from Eating Solid foods
  • Don’t use a straw
  • Avoid hot drinks, spicy foods, sodas, etc.
  • Don’t smoke and drink alcohol
  • Don’t rinse your mouth for twenty-four hours after the procedure
  • Don’t spit forcefully for 24 hours after the procedure

Having a tooth (teeth) missing can cause the remaining teeth to shift which affects your bite & making it difficult to chew. So, we may advise replacing the missing tooth or teeth with an implant, fixed bridge, or denture.

Impacted (wisdom) teeth:

They’re the last or most posterior teeth in the dental arch. Although utmost people have wisdom teeth, there’s a possibility for some or all of the third molars to no way develop. In numerous individualities, the wisdom teeth are not visible because they’ve become impacted (not typically erupted through the gums) under the gingival tissue. It’s also possible for a person to have further than four wisdom teeth.

  • Wisdom teeth erupt wisdom, Not Mostly wisdom teeth can be imaged when it erupts through the gingiva in the early majority, between the periods of 16 to 23 times. Occasionally, a person can feel the goods of the wisdom teeth before we can fantasize them in their mouth. Erupting wisdom teeth will generally produce a feeling of pressure or dull throbbing in the reverse of the jaws. Our general dentist will frequently be suitable to inform you of the condition of these erupting teeth. However, the presence of the tooth needs to be verified by a radiograph, If the tooth is impacted under the tissue. A panoramic radiograph is generally the preferred x-ray to help assess the angle of eruption and state of development of the tooth.
  • All wisdom teeth need to be extracted?
    No need to extract all wisdom teeth. When a wisdom tooth erupts cleanly through the tissue without compromising the adjacent tooth, the wisdom tooth can be retained in the mouth with little concern as long as the person is able to brush, floss, and clean it thoroughly. The condition of the wisdom teeth changes a lot between the ages of 16 and 23. They should be examined regularly by a dental professional to determine the proper diagnosis and course of action in this age group.

Sometimes the wisdom teeth cause pain. We can avoid extracting them with a few modifications of the surrounding tissues or oral hygiene habits.

  • If there is a small flap of swollen gum tissue barely covering the back of the tooth, you may have pain from biting down on that gum tissue. If there is otherwise enough room for the wisdom tooth, the gum tissue can be removed from the back of the tooth to remedy this problem.
  • Changing the angle of tooth brushing and increasing the frequency of flossing both in front and behind the wisdom teeth. This can help keep the gum tissues healthy.
  • It avoids the potential of painful gingivitis or infection around the wisdom teeth.

Extraction of wisdom teeth under certain conditions becomes absolutely necessary.

  • Malposed wisdom tooth which erupt at an angle such that the adjacent molar can become difficult to keep clean and free of dental caries.
  • Wisdom tooth that causes deep periodontal pockets, gum disease or recession around the adjacent tooth. It should be removed before too much damage is caused to the much more critical second molars.
  • No sufficient room in the mouth for the wisdom teeth to erupt, they may cause significant pressure on the surrounding teeth and tissues. This pressure can result in a bad headache, jaw pain/stiffness, or tooth pain and it is only resolved by removing the wisdom teeth. The pressure can give the impression that the wisdom teeth are causing crowded teeth.
  • If the third molar has erupted through the tissue but is without opposing occlusion (contact with other teeth), extraction should still be considered.
  • Considering the posterior position of an erupted wisdom tooth, these teeth are often difficult to keep clean.
  • Decayed wisdom teeth are usually extracted instead of removing the decay and fixing wisdom teeth with fillings, root canals, or crowns. These treatments are indicated for the rest of the teeth. They are often less successful in treating wisdom teeth due to their posterior-most position in the mouth.
  • PERICORONITIS: Removal of a wisdom tooth is indicated if the tooth has partially erupted through the gingival tissue, causing inflammation and/or infection. This condition is called a partially erupted, or partially impacted wisdom tooth. A soft-tissue growth over a partially erupted wisdom tooth is called an operculum. An infection called pericoronitis can develop if bacteria become trapped under the operculum.
Signs and Symptoms:
  • Red, swollen gum tissue behind the last visible molar, bad taste/ smell, pain with biting in the reverse teeth, and occasionally pus oozing and draining from the area.
  • Sometimes, the infection will lead to swelling of the gum tissue, cheek, or another area around the affected side of the jaw.
  • Swelling can cause pressure on adjacent structures
  • Referred pain to the ear causing an intense earache.
  • Difficulty swallowing or breathing
  • Fever and violent pain

It’s a single visit procedure. The process is as simple as a normal tooth extraction. In case of any impacted teeth, our dental professional will surgically remove them from your gums. Wisdom teeth extraction is generally a pain-free process thanks to local anesthesia, but if the thought of getting your teeth pulled gives you nightmares, don’t worry. You can talk to our dental professional about the possibility of sedation.

  • Once it has been determined that a wisdom tooth is problematic, local anesthesia is administered to ensure the tooth can be pulled out without any major discomfort.
  • Minor surgery is also performed where the tissue and bone around the wisdom tooth are removed so that the tooth can be cleanly extracted from the socket.
  • Several stitches may be demanded to close the surgical site and promote healing of the overlying tissue. These stitches may either be dissolvable stitches that come out on their own after three to five days or stitches that need to be removed by the surgeon after a given period.
Healing Process and Recovery
  • Unfortunately, it isn’t relatively so easy.
  • The initial recovery and healing from a wisdom tooth extraction usually occur over about three to five days. It’s normal to have little bleeding ( oozing) from the site considering the surgical procedure performed. The minor bleeding ( oozing) after extraction should start to ease after the first 24 hours.
  • When the anesthesia wears off, there may be jaw stiffness, difficulty opening the mouth all the way, and some pain.
  • Discomfort, swelling, and aching pains are usual. But if you follow our dental professional’s instructions, your recovery can be fairly speedy.
  • One of the most important things to remember is to avoid smoking after wisdom teeth removal. Smoking will delay the healing process and increase the chance of postoperative pain and complications. The best remedies for pain following birth are rest and giving the area time to heal.
  • Take prescribed medications to relieve aches and pains as well as an antibiotic
  • Use cold compresses to ease the swelling.
  • Sticking to soft foods and liquids will help prevent unnecessary damage to the gums.
  • Complete healing of the gums may take three to four weeks.
  • Adhere to the recovery guidelines of our dental professionals. The majority of patients recover quickly, without any issues at all!
  • As the extraction areas start to heal, regular foods that require chewing can be slowly introduced back into the diet depending on the comfort of the person.

The average recovery time for people between seventeen and twenty-one years old is around one week. But for people over the age of thirty, it can take much longer. As you age, your mouth takes a longer time to heal after treatments like wisdom teeth extraction.

That’s why it’s important to get your wisdom teeth evaluated at our dentist as early as possible. The sooner you identify potential issues, the sooner you can get them removed to avoid future pain and longer recovery times.

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