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Painfree Dental Clinic

Painfree Dental Clinic

Do you think you are the one who fear when you step foot in the dentist’s office? No …, Not at all…, Almost everyone has the fear to go to dentist.

We at Dental Care Professionals wholly realize the anxiety of such people. That’s why we suggest sedation dentistry options for you. Sedation dentistry is used to provide a relaxing and anxiety-free experience for certain people receiving dental treatment Sedation (sleep) dentistry will make your experience with our dentist as pain-free as possible.

Sedation Dentistry:

Sedation dentistry is a process in which our dentist uses medication or drugs to relax you (the patient) before or during a long dental procedure. We also call sedation dentistry as sleep dentistry.

Sedation dentistry provides a more comfort zone for the patient as the dental procedure is quite uncomfortable and involves a lot of pain. The drugs used during sedation vary from patient to patient and they give relief and calmness to the person.

The patient is usually awake after he is given the sedation dentistry drug. Complete sleep happens when the patient is given anesthesia by our dentist.

Sedation can be used for everything from invasive procedures to a simple tooth cleaning. Depending on the severity of the fear, it is used during dental treatment.

Levels Of Sedation

Patients are usually awake with the exception of those who are under general anesthesia. Only one type (general anesthesia) makes the patient completely unconscious. The other forms will relax you, but won’t knock you out completely.

The levels of sedation used include:

  • Minimal sedation: you will be awake but relaxed.
  • Moderate sedation (also called as “conscious sedation”): you can speak and not remember much of the procedure.
  • Deep sedation: you will be on the edge of consciousness but can still be awakened.
  • General anesthesia: you will be completely unconscious.
Types of Sedation used in Dentistry:
Nitrous Oxide:

An inhaled minimal sedative and it is a gas that relaxes you during the procedure. It quickly wears off, so our dentist might let you drive yourself home after the appointment. You don’t have to prepare at all for nitrous oxide. Our dentist will supply it before, during, and right after the procedure.

Oral Sedatives:

Oral sedatives, such as diazepam, also help relax patients during dental procedures. our dentist will write you a prescription for the drug and give you instructions on how to take it. As long as you follow those instructions, you’ll benefit from reduced anxiety and increased relaxation. Once the medication begins to work, you will feel drowsy and content. You’re fully awake but less anxious, and you might feel a little sleepy until it wears off. You need to take them an hour or so before your appointment.

Intravenous Sedatives:
  • IV moderate sedation:
    Through a vein our dentist will administer a sedative drug, so it goes to work more quickly. the level of sedation can be adjusted. You’re less aware of your surroundings, you might feel sleepy, and you might not remember much of the procedure once it’s over. If you choose IV sedation, you have to prepare in advance. For example, our dentist might ask you to fast — not eat or drink anything — for several hours before the dental work. We may ask you to avoid taking certain medications the day before you visit our dentist because they can interfere with the sedation medication.
  • Deep sedation and general anesthesia:
    These sedatives can put you in varying stages of consciousness. This is also known as general anesthesia. It will put you into a deep sleep until it wears off. While you are under general anesthesia, you cannot easily be awakened until the effects of the anesthesia wears off or are reversed with medication.

With oral and IV sedatives, you’ll also be required to have someone to pick you up after your dental appointment and stay with you at home for two to four hours. This is in order to make sure that you’re alright and alert.

When is it indicated?

Following conditions necessitate sedation:

  • Severe gag reflex
  • Profound dental anxiety or phobia
  • Anxious about needles, dental treatments, and dentists in general
  • Feeling Uncomfortable when you the sounds of dental instruments Prefer to complete multi-part dental treatments in just one visit
  • Are undertaking oral surgery (such as a tooth extraction)
  • Uncomfortable with the tastes associated with dental procedures
  • Nervous about dental conditions that may require long treatment processes
  • Have trouble getting numb
  • Have extreme sensitivity in teeth

Sleep dentistry might offer the best solution when you’re putting off dental work because of fear of pain or any other part of the work. When you start ignoring dental issues such as dental caries, loose or broken teeth, and other problems, your oral health will be at risk. Moreover, the delinquent might become more complicated as time passes. This means you may need more extensive dental work in the future.

Sedation dentistry can definitely help you feel more relaxed during dental work. We at Dental Care professionals provide multiple sedation techniques so that you will feel more relaxed and comfortable during your dental treatment. Actually, you will not realize the procedure was done until it is complete!

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